Enjoy summer, we'll be back in autumn.
TRAINING COURSE TITLE | How to write a proposal in HORIZON 2020 |
ORGANIZER | Transport Economics Centre |
DATE AND PLACE | Maribor, 23. november 2018 |
Recording and materials from SMACKER final conference are published. |
You are cordially invited to join the final conference of SMACKER project, taking place in Vienna (AT) on 23. May 2022. |
You are cordially to online scientific event on Demand Responsive Transport organized within SMACKER project taking place on 10th of November 2020. |
eGUTS final conference took place in Zadar (Croatia) on 17. September 2019. |
In the scope of the E-Carriage 4CBST project, project partners from Slovenia and Austria organized a study tour to Switzerland on May 16th and 17th, 2019, more specifically to Braunwald, which is renowned for its eco-friendly tourism, which offers, among other things, a holiday experience without the presence of car use. |
V okviru čezmejnega projekta Kočijaške poti za e-kočije: spodbujanje naravi prijaznega čezmejnega trajnostnega turizma s pomočjo inovativnih turističnih produktov - E-Carriage 4CBST smo se projektni partnerji iz Slovenije in Avstrije podali na prvo od treh načrtovanih študijskih tur. |
The Danube Region Transport Days were held in Ljubljana on 4th and 5th of December 2018, where project eGUTS was presented. |
V torek, 04. 12. 2018, je v EC Energie Center Lipizzanerheimat v Bärnbachu (AT) potekal predstavitveni dogodek projekta Kočijaške poti za e-kočije: spodbujanje naravi prijaznega čezmejnega trajnostnega turizma s pomočjo inovativnih turističnih produktov, krajše E-Carriage 4CBST. |
On 13th and 14th of November the 5th conference on Transport and Research in the Danube Region took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia. |
On 13. and 14. of November 2018 5th conference on Transport and Research in the Danube Region was held at Hotel City in Ljubljana, where project SULPITER was presented. |
Within the RADIAN project a training course: How to write a proposal in HORIZON 2020 was held on 23rd of November 2018 at Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture. |
On 19th and 20th November 2018 MAHEPA Consortium Meeting was held at Merklingen, Germany to discuss the progress made on the development of modular architectural concepts for hybrid electric aircrafts and to plan further activities in powertrain system design, component specifications, software specifications, power management, etc. |
V četrtek, 8.11.2018 se je v okviru projekta E-Carriage 4CBST, v prostorih Raziskovalno-izobraževalnega središča Dvorec Rakičan, izvedla prva delavnica za pripravo hibridne e-kočije. |
Within EU financed project eGUTS the first meeting of eGUTS Regional Strategy Platform took place on 12th of Decembre 2017 at Municipality of Velenje. |
SULPiTER Webinar video on Freight Quality Partnership with Prof Michael Browne now available |
Webinar on Freight Quality Partnership (FQP), 28. November 2017 from 14:00 to 15:30 (CET) |
The second meeting of eGUTS project took place in Maribor between 2nd and 4th of October 2017. The meeting was hosted by University of Maribor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture. |
The SULPiTER Enlarged Transfer Programme (ETP) aims to train the participants to enhance their understanding and skills in policy making for urban energy efficient freight in a mutual learning process. |
| Transnational Open Trainings/Webinars “Trends influencing regional logistics planning” |
| Prototype of the world’s most powerful hybrid electric powertrain for general aviatio unveiled at AERO 2016 |
| A major step towards electric powered air travel was achieved on 9th February 2016 with the power-up of the world's most powerful hybrid electric powertrain for aviation in a project led by Pipistrel. Hybrid-electric powertrains are a new breed of aviation propulsion, which extend the range of all-electric aircraft while being environmentally friendly and quiet. The 200 kW propulsor developed during the project HYPSTAIR delivers the power equivalent to a typical general aviation piston engine and can run in three modalities: electric-only mode using batteries, generator-only mode or hybrid mode combining both power sources. |
HYPSTAIR project has, in cooperation with the DLR and University of Stuttgart, organised the Symposium E2 Flying. The Symposium addressed the challenges related to implementation of aircraft with electric drive.
Aerodays 2015 took place from 20th to 23th October 2015 in London. Aerodays is the European flagship three-day event in aviation research and innovation, which takes place once every 4 years, during each EU Research Framework Programme. Designed to present strategic perspectives for aviation, including research and innovation, the event goal is to share achievements of collaborative research and innovation in aeronautics and air transport within Europe and world-wide international co-operation.
From 23th till 25th November, the International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Protection took place in Dubai. The conference, organized by The British University in Dubai and University of the West of Scotland, is focused on sustainable energy and environmental protection.
On 17th and 18th November, the 3rd Annual Conference on Transport, Trade and Service Studies took place at City University of Hong Kong. Dr. Stane Božičnik as a chairman of session on Transport and Trade Logistic, presented NAPA Ports Developing Challenges and Opportunities for Far Eastern Transport Market. Participation at the conference is the result of good research and academic collaboration between the Centre for Transport, Trade and Financial Studies (CTTFS) from City University of Hong Kong and Transport Economics Centre (TEC) from University of Maribor.
Following the invited lecture of dr. Stane Božičnik at City University of Hong Kong and Centre for Transport, Trade and Financial Studies (CTTFS), Transport Economics Centre (TEC) now hosted professor and director of CTTFS, John Jianhua Liu, in Maribor on a three day visit.
The aim of the visit is to consider possibilities for future cooperation among University of Maribor (TEC) and City University of Hing Kong (CTTFS).