TITLE | Study on Baltic-Adriatic TEN-T Corridor and Support to the European Coordinator |
CONTRACTING AUTHORITY | European Commission |
PROJECT LEADER PROJEKTA | assoc. prof. dr. Stane Božičnik
TIME FRAME | 1. 9. 2015 - 31. 12. 2017 |
| T-Plan Consulting (Italy)
PARTNERS | JPL Project (Poland) Paradigma (Austria) Leigh Fisher Ltd. (Italy) NDCON (Czech Republic) University of Maribor (Slovenia) |
The Baltic-Adriatic (BA) corridor links major nodes (urban nodes, ports, airports and other transport terminals) through key rail, road, maritime and air transport connections from North to South, i.e. from Poland through the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria to Italy and Slovenia. Such a reinforced network in Central Europe significantly strengthens the infrastructural basis for efficient, safe and high-quality multimodal transport chains for freight and passengers. By implementing the Baltic-Adriatic axis, new traffic flows between the Baltic and Adriatic ports and their hinterland are being developed and the ports as entry and exit doors of the corridor being boosted.
The overall aim of the study is to provide a technical basis for the monitoring and updating of the BA Corridor work plan. Study contains detailed analysis of BAC infrastructure, bottlenecks, projects and financing means in accordance to the TEN-T priorities. The work plan is being elaborated by the European Coordinator, Professor Kurt Bodewig, in consultation with the BA Corridor Forum. The work plans will guide the development of the corridor in the short and longer term. Their time horizon is 2030, in accordance with the completion target of the core network. Workplan will integrate the objectives and priorities of EU funding during the 2014 – 2020 period and set the framework for investment in transport infrastructure - from public and private, European and national sources.