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SULPiTER Enlarged Transfer Programme

Training Programme

 The SULPiTER Enlarged Transfer Programme (ETP) aims to identify and develop a direct dialogue with at least 20 non partner authorities mainly from the Central Europe Programme Area, competent for freight transport and logistics in Functional Urban Areas (FUAs) and involve them in a training programme to improve their understanding and skills in policy making for urban energy efficient freight in a mutual learning process.

What are the benefits for participants?
The Enlarged Transfer Programme will be implemented between January 2018 and February 2019 by organising three training sessions, two by webinar and one as a physical meeting, which will take place back-to-back with the final project meeting in Bologna. ETP participants will be able to benefit from the experience of the SULPiTER FUAs representatives having implemented their own SULPs and from the support of technical experts. Special attention will be paid to matching the respective ETP cities’ key areas of interest with similar and relevant activities in the SULPiTER cities, so that the assistance offered can be even more targeted.

The programme is imed at Ministries, Regions and Cities. Research organization are entitled to apply as well: they must prove the influence with one of the institutions categorized above by providing a Letter of Support (LoS) signed by the relevant Institution.

How to apply
If you are interested and you look for opportunities to increase your knowledge and operational capacities towards SULP development, please apply online at the following URL:
The deadline for applying is extended to October 15th.

For additional information please visiti SULPiTER web-page or contact Ms Eleonora Tu:, tel. +39 (0) 51 527 3246.