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SULPiTER (2016 - 2019)

 TITLE Sustainable Urban Logistics Planning to Enhance Regional Freight Transport
European Commission – Interreg Central Europe
assoc. prof. dr. Stane Božičnik
1. 6. 2016 – 31. 5. 2019
Fondazione Istituto sui Trasporti e la Logistica (Italija) 
 PARNTERSMunicipality of 18th District of Budapest (HU)
University of Maribor (SI)
Regional Union of the Chamber of Commerce of Veneto – Eurosportello (IT)
Central European Initiative – Executive Secretariat (IT)
Brescia Mobility (IT)
Institute of Logistics and Warehousing    (PL)
City of Poznań    (PL)
Metropolitan City of Bologna (IT)
Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation (DE)
Vecsés Municipality (HU)
City of Rijeka (HR)
KLOK Logistics Cooperation Centre (DE)
Municipality of Maribor (SI)


Transport is the second largest energy-consuming sector, with a 32 percent share of final energy consumption. According to the OECD, 20 percent of energy consumption is attributable to freight transport. The European Commission has set the ambitious goal of CO2-free city logistics by 2030. This does not only call for public policy actions, but for a shift in the paradigm of policies. In fact, 82 percent of Europeans will live in cities by 2050, thus increasing the complexity of urban contexts and the significance of urban freight transport. Urban freight issues thus need to be tackled in the perspective of functional urban areas (FUAs), taking into consideration the functional transport and economic relations between inner urban centres and the surrounding urban territories. This is the only way for policies to achieve impacts according to the territorial and economic development of central European urban areas.

SULPiTER will support policy makers in improving their understanding of FUAs freight phenomena in an energy and environmental perspective. The project will enhance their capacity in urban freight mobility planning in order to develop and adopt sustainable urban logistics plans (SULPs). Policy makers in Bologna, Budapest, Poznan, Brescia, Stuttgart, Maribor and Rijeka will engage, in cooperation with further local, regional and national non-partner authorities and with technical partners. They will work on transnational policy capacity building, and on the development of transnational analytical and governance tools, resulting in improved and adopted policies for the future energy and environmental sustainability of freight transport in central European FUAs.

- Webinar recording on Freight Quality Partnership with Prof Michael Browne
- SULPiTER Webinar on Freight Quality Partnership with Prof Michael Browne
- SULPiTER Enlarged Transfer Programme
- Webinar "Trends influencing regional logistics planning"

FileDescriptionFile size
Download this file (SULPiTER_A5 Flyer_SI.pdf)SULPiTER letak SI 491 Kb
Download this file (SULPiTER Poster_landscape.pdf)SULPiTER poster 181 Kb
Download this file (infografica-1-SULPITER-web-1.pdf)SULPiTER infographic 852 Kb
Download this file (PR01_SULPiTER_D C 2 2_Press release_20160726Bologna_SI.pdf)Sporočilo za javnost avgust 2016 359 Kb
Download this file (PR01_SULPiTER_D C 2 2_Press release_20160726Bologna_EN.pdf)Press release august 2016 354 Kb

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