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Project HYPSTAIR at Aerodays 2015

Reflecting this, the programme included multiple plenary and parallel technical sessions. This year’s topics were Greening of aviation, Competitiveness of industry, Efficient and seamless mobility and Breakthrough innovation with 290 speakers and 91 exhibitors. Aerodays 2015 event was visited by 1090 visitors from 14 countries.

YPSTAIR project was presented at the stand in the exhibition stand together with other excellent projects. Igor Perkon, project coordinator from Pipistrel, contributed his lecture “Towards Certifiable Hybrid Powertrains for Electric Aircraft” in the framework of Skills and Breakthrough section. HYPSTAIR project raised rather great interest among both visitors and respected speakers at the event that are now excitingly waiting for project’s final results and new development prospects in the future.

Aerodays QEIIAerodays HypstairAerodays HypstairAerodays Hypstair