Enjoy summer, we'll be back in autumn.
Conferences, workshops, round tables and other event contribution of Maršenka Marksel since 2013.
Event: Strokovni posvet: Projekti in razvoj slovenske železniške infrastrukture (Panel discussion: Projects and Development of Slovenian Railway Infrastructure)Event: Workshop title: Measures for achieving efficient energy use in industry and transport
Date and place: 26 February 2014, Dravograd (Slovenia)
Contribution title: Projekt CO-EFFICIENT: izboljšanje energetske učinkovitosti majhnih in srednje velikih podjetij
Event: Energy Days in Posavje Region − Improvement for Energy Efficiency of the SMEs
Date and place: 12. December 2013, Krško (Slovenia)
Contribution title: CO-EFFICIENT project: Improvement for Energy Efficiency of the SMEs.
Conferences, workshops, round tables and other event contribution of dr. Stane Božičnik since 2001.
Conferences, workshops, round tables and other event contribution of Tomislav Letnik in since 2005.
Conferences, workshops, round tables and other event contributions of Katja Hanžič since 2008.