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The 3rd Annual Conference on Transport, Trade and Service Studies (ATTSS)


On 17th and 18th November, the 3rd Annual Conference on Transport, Trade and Service Studies took place at City University of Hong Kong. Dr. Stane Božičnik as a chairman of session on Transport and Trade Logistic, presented NAPA Ports Developing Challenges and Opportunities for Far Eastern Transport Market. Participation at the conference is the result of good research and academic collaboration between the Centre for Transport, Trade and Financial Studies (CTTFS) from City University of Hong Kong and Transport Economics Centre (TEC) from University of Maribor.

The event engaged renowned scholars, professionals and young researchers from all over the world, demonstrated great passion and commitment to the development and improvement of local, regional and international shipping and aviation, trade and finance, innovation and technology industries.

The theme of the 3rd ATTSS was Big Data World of Transport and Trade Logistics. Through this event, about 35 speakers from high education institutions of Canada, Hong Kong, Korea, Mainland China, Singapore, Slovenia, UK, USA and also United Nations; and 65 participants from local industries and universities came together and shared their research studies on updated issues like: Transport and Trade Logistics; Transport and Trade Finance and Economics; Transport and Trade Insurance and Financial Services; Sustainable Transport, Enterprise and Technology; Trans-ocean and Transcontinental Logistics; and Maritime and Transportation Law and Legal Services.

More information is available at