B2B LOCO workshop »Towards realisation of business and research ambitions«
| Towards realisation of business and research ambitions |
ORGANIZER | Transport Economics Centre, FG UM |
| Transport Economics Centre, FG UM, TehnoCenter UM; Tovarna Podjemov |
PLACE AND DATE | Pesnica pri Mariboru, 9. 6. 2011
LINKS | http://www.b2bloco.eu/
The Faculty of Civil Engineering has held the 3rd B2B Loco Alumni on 9th of June 20111 at Sports Park Kersnik.
The workshop was addressed to all interested in transport research with special emphasis on alumni and students near graduation. Particular attention was given to the presentation of B2B Loco Alumni network and its characteristics. The workshop continued with presentation of databases and search engines EU transport projects such as B2B Loco’s projects’ database, Transport Research Knowledge Center and CORDIS. For those keen to learn more on entrepreneurship, workshop speakers have presented several options for obtaining technical and financial assistance for implementation of various business and R&D ideas into practice and first-hand experiences were presented by their fellow alumni.
After the workshop all participants were invited to social gathering over a barbecue and participation in sport activities (football and volleyball).
File | Description | File size |
Tomislav Letnik | Predstavitev projekta in spletne strani B2B LOCO | 1370 Kb |
Katja Hanžič | Kako dostopati do rezultatov in poročil EU projektov | 3059 Kb |
Iztok Kniplič | Zavarujte vašo inovativno poslovno idejo in zaščitite vašo prihodnost | 387 Kb |
mag. Jure Verhovnik | Kako s pomočjo Tovarne podjemov ustanoviti lastno podjetje | 2138 Kb |
Gregor Švajger | Od ideje do poslovne priložnosti | 95 Kb |
Agenda | Agenda - dnevni red B2B LOCO delavnice | 192 Kb |