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dr. Stane Božičnik - contributions

Conferences, workshops, round tables and other event contribution of dr. Stane Božičnik since 2001.


Event: Strokovni posvet: Projekti in razvoj slovenske železniške infrastrukture (Panel discussion: Projects and Development of Slovenian Railway Infrastructure)
Date and place: 8 October 2014, Maribor (Slovenia)
Article title: Tran-European Corridors Development Impact on Strategic Transport and Logistic Position of Slovenia

Event: 11. Mednarodna konferenca o logistiki in trajnostnem transportu (11th International Conference on Logistics and Sustainable Transport)
Date and place: 19.-20. June 2014, Celje
Contribution title: Presentation of the project FUTUREMED

Event: Urban Goods Transport Policy Making & Experiences
Date and place: 2 April 2014, Brussels (Belgium)
Contribution title: Rail Freight for Urban Logistics: Dream or Reality?

Event: 2014 Forum on Euro-Asia transport internet of smart cities (EATISC)
Date and place: 17 March 2014, Hong Kong
Contribution title: Is Rail a Realistic Option for Transport of Goods between China and Europe?


Event: Dnevi posavske energetike - Učinkovita raba energije v malih in srednjih podjetjih (Energy Days in Posavje Region)
Date and place: 12 December 2013, Krško (Slovenia)
Contribution title: Solutions for Improvement of Energy Efficiency in Transport Companies 

Event: The Danube Region transport Days 2013
Date and place: 2−3 October 2013, Belgrade (Serbia)
Contribution title: Innovative Intermodal Rail Freight Solution for Small Danube Region Member States

Event: Euro-Asia Economic Forum − 2013
Date and place: 26−28 September 2013, Xi`an (China)
Article title: East West Transport Corridor − New Option For Better Economic Cooperation Between China and Europe

Event: Rotary Business Forum 2013
Date and place: 31 August 2013, Varaždin (Croatia)
Contribution title: Iskustva novih zemalja EU u korištenju istraživačkih fondova 7. okvirnog programa

Event: 6th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and environmental protection, SEEP 2013
Date and place: 20−23 August 2013, Maribor (Slovenia)
Article title: Continuous improvement of sustainable energy consumption with a living lab approach


Event: 15. mednarodno posvetovanje o prometni znanosti (15th International Conference on Transport Science - ICTS 2012)
Date and place: 28 May 2012, Portorož (Slovenia)
Article title: The Impact of New Trans-European Transport Corridors on the Strategic Transport Position of Slovenia

Event: Lectures for 1st to 3rd year of Bachelor level, Malmö University, Faculty of Culture and Society
Date and place: 7−13 May 2012, Malmö (Sweden)
Contribution title: Social responsible management of road transport volume by means of tradable permits. Sustainable transport policy in theory and practice. External costs of transport - from theory to evaluation in practice.

Event: Transport Research Arena 2012
Date and place: 23−26 April 2012, Athens (Greece)
Article title: Audit Tool for Efficient Logistics Policy


Event: CASTLE Regionalni Forum
Date and place: 2. marec 2011, Maribor
Article title: Rezultati projekta CASTLE v funkciji nadaljnjega razvoja logističnih procesov v Sloveniji

Event: SEETRANS 2011, Transport Research Opportunities for South East Europe in the EU
Date and place: 12-13 April 2011, Ljubljana - Slovenia
Article title: TransSLO-PLUS, Development of Slovenian Transport Research Potentials

Event: XVIII International Scientific Symposium on Transport Systems 2011
Date and place: 28-29 April, 2011, Opatija, Croatia
Article title: Advanced solutions for Slovenian road freight transport optimisation

Event: Invited lecture for students of the Graduate program in Transportation Engineering, University of São Paulo, São Carlos School of Engineering
Date and place: 22−24 September 2011, Sao Carlos (Brazil)
Contribution title: Rail freight challenges for urban logistics
Event: Transport Opportunities Workshop, 7th Framework Programme Transnew
Date and place: Ljubljana, 30. September 2011
Article title: Strategic challenges of the EU transport research policy

Event: Final Workshop of TransNEW Project
Date and place: 7 November 2011, Bratislava (Slovakia)
Article title: New Europe - the vision towards transport research


Event: Delavnica na temo varčne vožnje (predstavitev projekta RECODRIVE): Okoljski, ekonomski in sistemski vidiki varčne vožnje.
Date and place: Maribor, 23. 2. 2010
Article title: Projekta RECODRIVE in TransSLO-PLUS za okolju prijaznejši promet.

Event: 4th SoNorA University Think Tank Conference (Infrastructure, society, trade, and regional development)
Date and place: Portorož, 25th of February 2010
Article title: Relative importance of transport infrastructure investments for economic growth.

Event: 18th International Symposium on Electronics in Traffic, ISEP 2010 (The role of ITS in the near future)
Date and place: Ljubljana, March 29, 2010
Article title: Slovenian road freight transport optimization potential.

Event: 18. medzinárodné sympózium EURO - Žel 2010 = 18th International symposium EURO - Žel 2010 (Oživenie ekonomiky - nová výzva pre železnice)
Date and place: Žilina, Slovenská republika, 26.-27. máj 2007
Article title: Problems and perspectives of the new EU member states railway systems in the EU railway market liberalisation context.

Event: 1st B2B LOCO Conference (European Transport Projects - new opportunities and challenges for enterprises)
Date and place: Poznań, Poland, 13th of May, 2010
Article title: Innovative intermodal rail freight opportunities for sustainable future logistics.

Event: Informativni dnevi & projektne borze
Date and place: 9. - 10. september 2010, Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije, Ljubljana
Article title: Izkušnje z izvajanjem projektov (7OP)

Event: Informativni dnevi & projektne borze
Date and place: 9. - 10. september 2010, Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije, Ljubljana
Article title: Razvoj slovenskih potencialov na področju raziskav v prometu : projekt TransSLO-PLUS

Event: World Innovation Days
Date and place: 18-19.9.2010, Wielkopolska Region, Poznań
Article title: Innovative intermodal rail freight opportunities for sustainable future logistics

Event: Sustainable City Logistics Conference,
Date and place: November 30, 2010, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen
Article title: Rail freight for urban logistics - dream or reality?

Event: Delavnica projekta TransSLO-PLUS "Raziskave v transportu danes in jutri", organizator Center za ekonomijo transporta
Date and place: 17. 12. 2010, Ministrstvo za promet, Ljubljana
Article title: TransSLO-PLUS - Razvoj slovenskih potencialov na področju raziskav v prometu


Event: 53rd Annual Conference The International Society for the Systems Sciences (Making liveable, sustainable systems unremarkable) ISSS 2009
Date and place: The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, July 12-17, 2009
Article title: Social responsibility as a way of systemic behavior and innovation leading out of the current socio-economic crisis.

Event: 17th International Symposium on Electronics in Traffic - ISEP 2009 (Sustainable transport and mobility)
Date and place: Ljubljana, Slovenia, March 26, 2009
Article title: Liberalization of rail transport in the EU as development challenge for the railway companies in the small member states.

Event: XVI International Scientific Symposium on Transport Systems 2009
Date and place: Opatija - Croatia, 23-24 April, 2009
Article title: Market-based instruments for a sustainable transport policy.

Event: Planiranje in vodenje organizacij v kriznih razmerah s poudarkom na aktualno temo Kriza - priložnost za pozitivne spremembe s primeri dobre prakse različnih organizacij : 34. posvetovanje, Društvo ekonomistov Maribor
Date and place: Maribor, 21. maj 2009
Article title: Kriza - povod za inoviranje planiranja in vodenja v smeri k družbeni odgovornosti (podjetij) ter zadostni in potrebni celovitosti obnašanja ljudi = Crisis - a reason for innovation of planning and management toward (corporate) social responsibility and requisite holism of human behavior.

Event: International Workshop on Logistic nodes visits = Cooperazioni Territoriale Europea por campania FESR 2007/2013 (Actions to promote european interregional integration in the field of logistics and freight transport)
Date and place: Naples, Italy, December 1st 2009
Article title: Innovative intermodal rail freight solution for feeder lines and city logistics.

Event: Delo - most za sodelovanje : odnosi do zaposlenih in različnih starostnih generacij: relations with co-workers and different age generations : conference
Date and place: Maribor, 2009
Article title: Nujnost in zapletenost ustvarjalnega sodelovanja za inoviranje kot pot iz krize 2008- = Necessity and complexity of creative cooperation aimed at innovation as a way out from the 2008- crisis.

Event: CATRIN seminar (Cost Allocation of TRansport INfrastructure cost seminar)
Date and place: Gdansk, January 21st, 2009
Article title: Road user charges in Slovenia.

Event: Baltic-to-Balkan network for logistics competence, B2B LOCO Workshop (Increasing availability of transport and logistics services for SME's in new European Union States - result of focused development of co-modal transport)
Date and place: Vilnius, Lithuania, 15th d December 2009
Article title: New ideas to support the green co-modal transport.

Event: 53rd Meeting of The International Society for the Systems Sciences (Making liveable, sustainable systems unremarkable)
Date and place: The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, July 12-17, 2009
Article title: Social responsibility as a way of systemic behavior and innovation leading out of the current socio-economic crisis.

Event: EasyWay Annual Forum 2009
Date and place: Austria Center Vienna (ACV), Vienna, November 17th-19th, 2009
Article title: Analysis of EU freight transport flows and identification of possible optimisation solutions.

Event: 1. letna konferenca v okviru projekta TransSlo Plus na Ministrstvu RS za promet: Promet in okolje
Date and place: Ljubljana, 17. december 2009
Article title: Razvoj slovenskih potencialov na področju raziskav v prometu : TransSLO-PLUS.


Event: The 9th International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences jointly with the 4th Asia-Pacific International Conference on Knowledge Management
Date and place: Guangzhou, China, Dec. 11-12, 2008
Article title: Requisite holism in a sustainable model of dynamic management of CO2 emissions.

Event: International conference on linking system thinking, innovation, quality, entrepreneurship, and environment
Date and place: Maribor, Slovenia, 26–28 June 2008
Article title: Per aspera ad harmoniam astrum - sustainable (development) future of mankind - and systems thinking about its ethical imperative and mother earth.

Event: 4. mednarodna konferenca Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2009 z naslovom Delo - most za sodelovanje: odnosi do zaposlenih in različnih starostnih generacij
Date and place: Maribor, 3. in 4. junij 2009
Article title: Nujnost in zapletenost ustvarjalnega sodelovanja za inoviranje kot pot iz krize 2008- = Necessity and complexity of creative cooperation aimed at innovation as a way out from the 2008- crisis.

Event: 5. OKOLJSKI SIMPOZIJ: Promet kot grožnja okolju ali gibalo razvoja
Date and place: Celje, 24. April 2008
Article title: Prometna politika EU in trajnostni razvoj prometa.

Event: Trans-Atlantic INFRADAY, Conference on Applied Infrastructure Modeling and Policy Analysis
Date and place: Washington, DC, USA, 14 November, 2008
Article title: Tradable permits versus taxes for sustainable carbon emissions regulation of road transport.

Event: Towards a rail network giving priority to freight
Date and place: Maribor, 25 April 2008
Article title: Needed innovations in intermodal rail freight transport.

Event: EU project TraLoTra conference
Date and place: Italy, 2008
Article title: Logistics and transport training - the Slovenian point of view.

Event: EU project TraLoTra conference
Date and place: Italy, 2008
Article title: Innovative rail freight intermodal solutions for urban logistics.

Event: Responding to environmental change. Poster abstracts
Date and place: Ljubljana, 2008
Article title: Novel concept of holistic sustainable development planning.

Event: Responding to environmental change : from words to deeds, Poster abstracts
Date and place: Ljubljana, 2008
Article title: Per aspera ad harmoniam astrum - sustainable (development) future of mankind - and systems thinking about its ethical imperative and mother earth (including a suggestion for a new logotype)

Event: Traffic research challenges & solutions.
Date and place: Maribor, 22. 10. 2008
Article title: Rail freight for city logistics.

Event: 2. strokovni simpozij 3. razvojna os - izzivi načrtovanja in financiranja
Date and place: Slovenj Gradec, 25. 10. 2007
Article title: Javno-zasebno partnerstvo - instrument za financiranje prometne infrastrukture.


Event: 11th World conference on transport research
Date and place: University of California, Berkeley, June 24-28, 2007
Article title: New innovative intermodal rail freight paradigm.

Event: 3. mednarodni znanstveni in strokovni kongres upravljalcev železniške infrastrukture RIMC 07 = 3rd International Scientific and Expert Railway Infrastructure Managers Congress: Železnice: kje so meje?
Date and place: 5-6. november 2007, Rogaška Slatina.
Article title: Navzkrižno financiranje kot alternativni sistem financiranja železniške infrastrukture.

Event: 3rd BESTUFS II Conference (BESTUFS-Workshop)
Date and place: Warsaw on 24/25 May 2007
Article title: Rail freight for urban logistics: dream or reality?

Event: Living labs: logistics for business competetiveness (Saving money and protecting the environment through logistics cooperation. Training in logistics: companies’ needs and standards definition)
Date and place: Bologna (Italy), 22nd October 2007
Article title: Benefits of cooperation in transport management: the case of automotive cluster of Slovenia.

Event: Konferenca Prihodnost energije (Planet GV)
Date and place: Ljubljana, 12. septembra 2007,
Article title: Toplogredni plini in promet.

Event: Workshop in the framework of the Balkans Intermodal & Logistics Conference 2007
Date and place: Sofia, Bulgaria, 9th of November 2007
Article title: Framework of suggested measures for sustainable intermodal transport development.

Event: TransSLO Workshop
Date and place: Ljubljana, 12. 10. 2007
Article title: BESTUFS - Best Urban Freight Solutions.


Event: Transport System Telematics - TST 2006
Date and place: Katowice-Ustroń, Poland, October, 25-27, 2006
Article title: Global logistics development trends in the single European logistics market.

Event: 14. medzinárodné sympózium EURNEX - Žel 2006 = 14th International symposium EURNEX - Žel 2006
Date and place: Žilina, Slovenská republika, 2006
Article title: The future role of the global logistics operators and the national railways of the small EU member states.

Event: 8. slovenski kongres o cestah in prometu
Date and place: Portorož, 25.-27. oktobra 2006
Article title: Inovativne rešitve na področju sodobnih informacijskih tehnologij kot sredstvo za povečanje tovorne izkoriščenosti vozil.

Event: Simpozij 3. razvojna os - slovenski projekt 3. tisočletja
Date and place: Maribor, 21.3.2006.
Article title: Vpliv cestne infrastrukture na regionalni razvoj ob tretji slovenski razvojni osi.

Event: 3rd International Kuhmo Conference and Nectar Cluster 2 meeting on "Pricing, Financing and Investment in Transport"
Date and place: Gustavelund, Tuusula, Finland, 11-14 July 2006
Article title: Pricing and financing impacts of tradable permits use in the road transport sector.

Event: LOGI - STIK '06: Povezujemo prihodnost
Date and place: Ljubljana, 1. in 2. februar 2006
Article title: Inovativne rešitve - priložnost za povečanje intermodalnega transporta.

Event: Razširjena seja Slovenskega komiteja za vprašanja spremembe podnebja in uradni začetek projekta "Slovenija znižuje CO2"
Date and place: Bistra pri Vrhniki, 21. april 2006
Article title: Trajnostni vidiki tranzitnega in javnega potniškega prometa.


Event: 12. medzinárodné sympózium Železnice na prahu tretieho tisícročia = 12th International symposium Railways on the edge of the 3rd millenium
Date and place: Žilina, Slovenská republika, 24.-25. máj 2005
Article title: New technical and organisational solutions for the modern rail freight transport.

Event: 9. mednarodno posvetovanje o prometni znanosti = 9th International Conference on Traffic Science - ICTS 2005
Date and place: Portorož, Slovenija, 14.-15. November 2005
Article title: Interdisciplinary solutions for the new railway freight system.

Event: Železnice - pot v bodočnost (Mariborski kongres upravljavcev železniške infrastrukture) RIMC 2005
Date and place: Maribor, 1 - 2. December 2005
Article title: New railway freight challenges and possibilities.

Event: Posvetovanje Življenje v mestu s poudarkom na prometu
Date and place: Maribor, 26.5.2005
Article title: Financiranje javne prometne infrastrukture v MOM

Event: 2nd Kuhmo conference on Road Pricing (Is it needed, is it possible, is it inevitable?)
Date and place: Kuhmo, Finland, 14-15 July 2005
Article title: Theoretical, practical and political problems and dilemmas of pricing in transport sector within the framework of possible global environmental solutions.

Event: 4. Europäischer Verkehrskongress 2005 der Europäischen Platform der Verkehrswissenschaften
Date and place: Salzburg, 5.-8. Juni 2005
Article title: Systemvoraussetzungen für einen neuen, vielversprechenden Eisenbahn-Güterverkehr = A system approach towards the new promising railway freight paradigm.


Event: International conference on Road and rail infrastructure charging
Date and place: Maribor, 31 March - 1 April 2004
Article title: Road pricing sistems in the new member states.

Event: Railway as a part of integrated transport system : International scientific conference
Date and place: Prague, 2004
Article title: Competitiveness of railways with other modes of freight transport: development possibilities and needs.


Event: IDIMT-2003
Date and place: Zadov, Czech Republic, Sept. 10-12 2003,
Article title: Pricing and financing of the sustainable transport in the European union.

Event: Corporate Sustainability Conference / International Summer Academy on Technology Studies
Date and place: Austria. – Graz, July 13-19, 2003
Article title: Sustainable development - exemplified by systems thinking about climate change

Event: Vizija trajnostnega razvoja v Sloveniji (okrogla miza)
Date and place: Ljubljana, 18. 3. 2003
Article title: Trajnostni razvoj - na osnovi zgleda sistemskega razmišljanja o klimatskih spremembah

Event: Implementing pricing policies in transport - with specal regard to NAS countries, Seminar Six
Date and place: Budapest, 16-17 October 2003
Article title: Harmonisation of the public transportation of Slovenia with the EU: a need fornew financing and organization solutions.


Event: Pricing and financing of Alpine transport infrastructure : workshop
Date and place: Bern, Switzerland, September 12th & 13th 2002,
Article title: Latest development in road pricing policies in new accession countries.


Event: International Scientific Symposium Adriatic-Ionian Road
Date and place: Slovenija, Portorož, 8-9 October 2001
Article title: International transportation corridors and the logistic centres (LC).

Event: International conference on cost effective infrastructure and systems to improve cargo and passenger transport in South eastern Europe (South east European transport research forum – SETREF)
Date and place: Budapest, Hungary, 17-19 October 2001
Article title: International logistic center (ILC) as the integral part of international transportation corridors.

Event: Prenos novosti v podjetniško prakso (22. posvetovanje PODIM)
Date and place: Maribor, 6.-7. december 2001
Article title: Izkušnje razvitejšega dela sveta pri prenosu novosti v podjetniško prakso.

Event: Prenos novosti v podjetniško prakso (22. posvetovanje PODIM)
Date and place: Maribor, 6.-7. december 2001
Article title: Logistics and the micro and macro economic development challenges