Enjoy summer, we'll be back in autumn.
Conferences, workshops, round tables and other event contribution of Tomislav Letnik in since 2005.
Event: Strokovni posvet: Projekti in razvoj slovenske železniške infrastrukture (Panel discussion: Projects and Development of Slovenian Railway Infrastructure)
Date and place: 8 October 2014, Maribor (Slovenia)
Article title: Tran-European Corridors Development Impact on Strategic Transport and Logistic Position of Slovenia
Event: 11. Mednarodna konferenca o logistiki in trajnostnem transportu (11th International Conference on Logistics and Sustainable Transport)
Date and place: 19.-20. June 2014, Celje
Contribution title: Presentation of the project FUTUREMED
Event: Dnevi posavske energetike - Učinkovita raba energije v malih in srednjih podjetjih (Energy Days in Posavje Region)
Date and place: 12 December 2013, Krško (Slovenia)
Contribution title: Solutions for Improvement of Energy Efficiency in Transport Companies
Event: The Danube Region transport Days 2013
Date and place: 2−3 October 2013, Belgrade (Serbia)
Contribution title: Innovative Intermodal Rail Freight Solution for Small Danube Region Member States
Event: 15th International Conference on Transport Science - ICTS 2012
Date and place: 28 May 2012, Portorož (Slovenia)
Article title: The Impact of New Trans-European Transport Corridors on the Strategic Transport Position of Slovenia
Event: Transport Research Arena 2012
Date and place: 23−26 April 2012, Athens (Greece)
Article title: Audit Tool for Efficient Logistics Policy
Event: "Logistics: key issue in SMEs competitiveness", European Conference and 2nd regional forum on logistic excellence
Date and place: 17th February 2011, Chamber of Commerce of Valencia, Valencia.
Article title: Policy guidelines on the base of tools applications
Event: SEETRANS 2011, Transport Research Opportunities for South East Europe in the EU
Date and place: 12-13 April 2011, Ljubljana - Slovenia
Article title: University of Maribor, Transport Economics Centre
Event: XVIII International Scientific Symposium on Transport Systems 2011
Date and place: 28-29 April, 2011, Opatija, Croatia
Article title: Advanced solutions for Slovenian road freight transport optimisation
Event: B2B LOCO delavnica "Poti k uresničitvi poslovnih in raziskovalnih ambicij"
Date and place: Športni park Krsnik, Pesnica pri Mariboru, 9. June 2011
Article title: Predstavitev projekta in spletne strani B2B LOCO
Event: Invited lecture for students of the Graduate program in Transportation Engineering, University of São Paulo, São Carlos School of Engineering
Date and place: 22nd-24th of September 2011, Sao Carlos, Brazil
Contribution title: Logistics policy based on logistics audit results
Event: Delavnica na temo varčne vožnje (predstavitev projekta RECODRIVE: Okoljski, ekonomski in sistemski vidiki varčne vožnje.
Date and place: Maribor, 23. 2. 2010
Article title: Model trajnostne uporabe varčne vožnje v podjetjih.
Event: 4th SoNorA University Think Tank Conference (Infrastructure, society, trade, and regional development)
Date and place: Portorož, 25th of February 2010
Article title: Relative importance of transport infrastructure investments for economic growth.
Event: 18th International Symposium on Electronics in Traffic, ISEP 2010 (The role of ITS in the near future)
Date and place: Ljubljana, March 29, 2010
Article title: Slovenian road freight transport optimization potential.
Event: 1st B2B LOCO Conference (European Transport Projects - new opportunities and challenges for enterprises)
Date and place: Poznań, Poland, 13th of May, 2010
Article title: Innovative intermodal rail freight opportunities for sustainable future logistics.
Event: 17th International Symposium on Electronics in Traffic - ISEP 2009 (Sustainable transport and mobility)
Date and place: Ljubljana, Slovenia, March 26, 2009
Article title: Liberalization of rail transport in the EU as development challenge for the railway companies in the small member states.
Event: 1. letna konferenca v okviru projekta TransSlo Plus na Ministrstvu RS za promet: Promet in okolje
Date and place: Ljubljana, 17. december 2009
Article title: Informacijska infrastruktura TransSLO-PLUS.
Event: Workshop Traffic research challenges & solutions
Date and place: Maribor, 22.10.2008
Article title: The analysis of Slovenian freight transport flows.
Event: 18. medzinárodné sympózium EURO - Žel 2010 = 18th International symposium EURO - Žel 2010 (Oživenie ekonomiky - nová výzva pre železnice)
Date and place: Žilina, Slovenská republika, 26.-27. máj 2007
Article title: Problems and perspectives of the new EU member states railway systems in the EU railway market liberalisation context.
Event: 8. slovenski kongres o cestah in prometu
Date and place: Portorož, 25.-27. oktobra 2006
Article title: Inovativne rešitve na področju sodobnih informacijskih tehnologij kot sredstvo za povečanje tovorne izkoriščenosti vozil.
Event: Posvetovanje Življenje v mestu s poudarkom na prometu
Date and place: Maribor, 26.5.2005
Article title: Financiranje javne prometne infrastrukture v MOM.
Conferences, workshops, round tables and other event contribution of dr. Stane Božičnik since 2001.
Conferences, workshops, round tables and other event contribution of Tomislav Letnik in since 2005.
Conferences, workshops, round tables and other event contributions of Katja Hanžič since 2008.