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CASTLE logistics forum "How To Improve Logistics in Slovenian Companies"

FORUM TITLECASTLE logistics forum "How To Improve Logistics in Slovenian Companies"
ACS - Automotive Cluster of Slovenia
PARTNERSRegional Development Agency Mura, Logina, Iskra Avtoelektrika, Cimos, Ministry of Transport, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, BTC Logistic Centre
PLACE AND DATEGZS Business & Conference Centre, Ljubljana, 11. 6. 2010

Transport Economics Centre has within the EU project CASTLE and in cooperation with the ACS (Automotive Cluster of Slovenia) successfully organized the first CASTLE Regional logistics forum entitled "How to improve logistics in Slovenian companies." 

The Forum started with presentation of selected examples of logistics good practices collected in CASTLE project. The emphasis of presented cases was on the integration and active participation of public administration and policy-makers. The cases from EU were followed by presentations of best logistics practices from Slovenian companies, where company representatives introduced their best practices and have pointed out interest in cases of similar experiences in other EU regions.

The second part of the forum was devoted to presentation of logistics competence centre concept, its purpose and possible areas of activities. Experiences from regions where logistics competence centers successfully operate were presented. At the present the lack of coordinated collaboration between business sector, policy makers and R&D in Slovenia is causing the lagging of logistics in Slovenia. Establishment of Slovenian logistics competence centre, as a focal point of collaboration, could improve the situation. The Forum was concluded with a round table discussion where the speakers (representatives of companies, associations and Ministry of Transport) have expressed their views and proposals regarding the establishment of Slovenian logistic competence centre. A joint conclusion of the round table was that establishment of logistics competence centre could be the answer to perceived problems and would be welcomed by all the participants. In order to bring the establishment of logistics competence centre into realization further steps must be taken – specific features as well as legal framework should be determined on basis of ascertained interest. It can be concluded that the first Regional CASTLE Forum has successfully established a dialogue between stakeholders in order to enhance the cooperation and to improve the situation of logistic in Slovenia especially for SMEs. Furthermore, such a center should also provide support for interconnection between companies as well as educational content.



FileDescriptionFile size
Download this file (Povzetek.pdf)Okrogla mizaPovzetki okrogle mize116 Kb
Download this file (agenda.pdf)Dnevni red Dnevni red logističnega foruma projekta CASTLE130 Kb
Download this file (01_Letnik.pdf)Tomislav LetnikPROJEKT CASTLE - izboljšanje politik na področju logistike v Sloveniji287 Kb
Download this file (02_Hanzic.pdf)Katja HanžičPrimeri logističnih dobrih praks zbranih v projektu CASTLE955 Kb
Download this file (03_Busen.pdf)Dušan BušenProjekt STAR-NET Transport499 Kb
Download this file (04_Svetec.pdf)dr. Milan Svetec & Mitja ŠtiglicZniževanje transportnih stroškov za majhna in srednje velika podjetja – projekt KASSETTS1225 Kb
Download this file (05_Grgic.pdf)Stojan Grgič Vitka proizvodna logistika in dostava repromaterialov544 Kb
Download this file (06_Rejec.pdf)Valter RejecKako s primerno organizacijo izvajanja logistike v podjetju znižati stroške4287 Kb
Download this file (07_Skerlic.pdf)mag. Sebastjan ŠkerličObvladovanje logističnih operacij v podjetju Cimos d.d.1020 Kb
Download this file (08_Letnik.pdf)Tomislav LetnikLOGISTIČNI KOMPETENČNI CENTER415 Kb

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