B2B LOCO Workshop "How To Realize Business and Research Ambitions?"
WORKSHOP TITLE | B2B LOCO Workshop "How To Realize Business and Research Ambitions?" |
| TEC FG-UM; Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology; TechnoCenter at University of Maribor; Tovarna Podjemov |
PLACE AND DATE | FG (A-205), Maribor, 3. 6. 2010 |
LINK | http://www.b2bloco.eu
Faculty of Civil Engineering has on June 3rd, 2010, hosted workshop "How To Realize Business and Research Ambitions?" The workshop was organized within the framework of EU project B2B LOCO and was addressed to those interested in topics such as entrepreneurship and R&D. Workshop speakers presented several options for obtaining technical and financial assistance for implementation of various business and R&D ideas into practice and also possibilities for integration into the European research field.
For more information about the workshop see attachments below.
File | Description | File size |
Dnevni red | Dnevni red delavnice projekta B2B LOCO | 59 Kb |
Mitja Štiglic | Predstavitev projekta B2B LOCO | 549 Kb |
mag. Rajko Sabo | Priložnosti za mala in srednje velika podjetja v 7. okvirnem programu | 1314 Kb |
dr. Anton Habjanič | Predstavitev TehnoCentra UM d.o.o. | 509 Kb |
mag. Jure Verhovnik | Tovarna podjemov - podjetniški inkubator Univerze v Mariboru | 1520 Kb |
Simon Jurič | Lastne finance in ustanovitev podjetja (primer) | 327 Kb |