
Enjoy summer, we'll be back in autumn. Cool

TransSLO-PLUS (2008-2011)

 TITLE Advancing Transportation Research In Slovenia
Slovenian Ministry of Transport, Slovenian Research Agency - ARRS
Transport Economics Centre
 TIME FRAME 2008-2011
 PROJECT LEADER dr. Stane Božičnik
 PARTNERS Slovenian Ministry of Transport
Workshop "SEETRANS 2011 - Transport Research Opportunities for South East Europe in the EU" (12-13. 04. 2011)
Workshop "Research in Transport Today and Tomorrow" (17. 12. 2010)

Workshop on various aspects of fuel-efficient driving (23. 2. 2010)

Conference "Transport and Environment" (17. 12. 2009)

TransSLO-PLUS is a Slovenian national project implemented in the framework of the Target Research Programme »Slovenian Competitiveness 2006-2013« between the 1st of September 2008 and the 31st of August 2011.

The project is oriented towards researchers, institutions and companies working in the field of transport. The main aim of the project is the establishment of a permanent research network, which would advance the collaboration between the addressed stakeholders. More intensive collaboration will enable stakeholders to form a more comprehensive and advanced body of common theoretical and applied knowledge thereby increasing their competitiveness at the international level and leveraging the building of Slovenia-based international research consortia.

Furthermore, the project will stimulate Slovenian small and middle-sized enterprises to participate in EU funded projects, as well as the collaboration between Slovenian and foreign research communities. You can find more information about the project by clicking on : Project Objective or Project Content.

The project TransSLO-PLUS is a follow-up of the TransSLO project, which has set up the foundations for the identification of all research institutions active in the field of transport in Slovenia. Additionally, TransSLO defined the fundamental directives and priorities for the Slovenian national programme of research in transport.

TransSLO-PLUS will contribute to:

  • the preparation of the Slovenian national program and a national research policy in the field of transport,
  • the implementation of the European Research Area (ERA) in environmentally friendly transport,
  • a faster and more intensive transfer of knowledge and innovation into practice,
  • a higher participation of Slovenian SMEs in ERA,
  • the begging of collaboration among research centres in the Wester Balkans,
  • improved collaboration between research centres and other stakeholders,
  • improved employment opportunities for Slovenian researchers in the field of transport.

The project will thereby set solid foundations for an accelerated development of domestic knowledge and its more effective use in the development of Slovenian transport systems. Furthermore, it will improve the ability of Slovenian stakeholders to take part in European research networks. Hence, TransSLO-PLUS is a direct answer to future challenges to the EU and all its member states. 

Current national projects

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