Enjoy summer, we'll be back in autumn.
Conferences, workshops, round tables and other event contributions of Katja Hanžič since 2008.
Event: ICTS 2020 - 19th International Conference on Transport Science
Date and place: 17. - 18. 9. 2020 ICTS Portorož (Slovenija)
Article title: Demand responsive transport policies for rural areas of six central European countries
Event: ICTS 2020 - 19th International Conference on Transport Science
Date and place: 17. - 18. 9. 2020 ICTS Portorož (Slovenija)
Article title: Adaptation of airport infrastructure for operation of ice-hybrid and fuel-cell aircraft
Event: eGUTS final conference "Perspectives in Europeane Mobility Future"
Date and place: 17. 9. 2020, Zadar (Croatia)
Article title: eMobility reflected in Local Action Plans
Event: Danube Region Transport Days 2018
Date and place: 4. - 5. 12. 2019, Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Article title: eGUTS - Electric, Electronic and Green Urban Transport Systems
Event: ICTS 2018 - 18th International Conference on Transport Science
Date and place: 14. 11. 2018, Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Article title: eGUTS - Electric, Electronic and Green Urban Transport Systems
Event: SAEM 2018 - The 7th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics
Date and place: 17. - 20. 6. 2018, Podčetrtek (Slovenia)
Article title: Interdependence between GDP and electric vehicles’ charging infrastructure in the EU
Event: ICTS 2018 - 18th International Conference on Transport Science
Date and place: 14. -15. 6. 2018, Portorož (Slovenia)
Article title: Charging infrastructure challenges and policy support in selected countries of the Danube region
Event: eGUTS Regional Strategy Platform
Date and place: 12. 12. 2017, Velenje (Slovenia)
Article title: Pedelecs and e-cars in urban transport system; Local and regional e-mobility policies
Date and place: 11. 1. 2017, Maribor (Slovenia)
Article title: Staff mobilty »ERASMUS + Masterclass Course: Efficient & Effective Project Management for EU funded Projects«
Event: EU Energy week “Innovation for renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency solutions in Mediterranean regions and cities. An overview of achieved results and future perspectives”
Date and place: 18. 6. 2015, Brussels (Belgija)
Article title: CO-EFFICIENT: Improving energy efficiency of SMEs
Event: GRASP final conference »Green Procurement and Smart City support in the energy sector«
Date and place: 28. 5. 2015, Patras (Greece)
Article title: Project CO-EFFICIENT - COllaborative framework for energy EFFICIENT SME systems
Event: CO-EFFICIENT final conference “Improving Energy Efficiency – Improving competitiveness”
Date and place: 21. 5. 2015, Portorož (Slovenia)
Article title: COllaborative framework for energy EFFICIENT SME systems
Event: SMILE final conference: Energy Efficiency in Urban Logistics
Date and place: 28. 4. 2015, Valencia (Spain)
Article title: prispevek "COllaborative framework for energy EFFICIENT SME systems" in sodelovanje na okrogli mizi “Measures and Opportunities for Energy Efficiency in Urban Logistics”
Event: 12. Slovenian Congress on Roads and Traffic
Date and place: 23. 4. 2015, Portorož (Slovenia)
Article title: Strategic transport-logistics position of Slovenia
Event: SINERGIA final conference
Date and place: 20. 3. 2015, Marseille (France)
Article title: COllaborative framework for energy EFFICIENT SME systems
Event: OPEN DAY MED/EU Synergies conference »Energy performance indicators and methods for a sustainable framework of buildings refurbishment«
Date and place: 12. 3. 2015, Piraeus (Greece)
Article title: Supporting SMEs in Energy Efficiency and RES market in MED
Event: CO-EFFICIENT regional workshop "Increasing energy efficiency of small and medium enterprises"
Date and place: 28. 1. 2015, Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Article title: Project CO-EFFICIENT - Increasing energy efficiency of small and medium enterprises
Event: Panel discussion: Projects and Development of Slovenian Railway Infrastructure
Date and place: 8. October 2014, Maribor (Slovenia)
Article title: Tran-European Corridors Development Impact on Strategic Transport and Logistic Position of Slovenia
Event: 11th International Conference on Logistics and Sustainable Transport
Date and place: 19. − 20. June 2014, Celje (Slovenia)
Contribution title: Presentation of the project CO-EFFICIENT
Event: 27th eConference Bled - 4th Living Bits and Things
Date and place: 1. - 5. junij 2014, Bled (Sloveniaa)
Contribution title: Project CO-EFFICIENT "Collaborative Framework for Energy Efficient SME Systems"
Event: Workshop title: Measures for achieving efficient energy use in industry and transport
Date and place: 26 February 2014, Dravograd (Slovenia)
Contribution title: Projekt CO-EFFICIENT: izboljšanje energetske učinkovitosti majhnih in srednje velikih podjetij
Event: Energy Days in Posavje Region − Improvement for Energy Efficiency of the SMEs
Date and place: 12 December 2013, Krško (Slovenia)
Contribution title: CO-EFFICIENT project: Improvement for Energy Efficiency of the SMEs.
Event: 15th International Conference on Transport Science - ICTS 2012
Date and place: 28 May 2012, Portorož (Slovenia)
Article title: The Impact of New Trans-European Transport Corridors on the Strategic Transport Position of Slovenia
Event: Ljubljana Open Day "Intermodal transport and environment"
Date and place: 20. april 2011, Ljubljana
Article title: Model trajnostne uporabe varčne vožnje v podjetjih : RECODRIVE
Event: Research Capabilities and Potentials Workshop (TransNEW)
Date and place: 27 May 2011, Belgrad (Serbia)
Contribution title: Transport Research Capability of Slovenia
Event: B2B LOCO delavnica "Poti k uresničitvi poslovnih in raziskovalnih ambicij"
Date and place: Športni park Krsnik, Pesnica pri Mariboru, 9. June 2011
Article title: Kako dostopati do rezultatov in poročil EU projektov
Event: Final Workshop of TransNEW project
Date and place: 7 November 2011, Bratislava (Slovakia)
Contribution title: Regional Perspective − General and mode highlights, recommendations - Western Balkans
Event: Delavnica na temo varčne vožnje (predstavitev projekta RECODRIVE: Okoljski, ekonomski in sistemski vidiki varčne vožnje.
Date and place: Maribor, 23. 2. 2010
Article title: Model trajnostne uporabe varčne vožnje v podjetjih.
Event: Delavnica Transport in okolje skozi EU projekte
Date and place: 21. oktober 2010, Portorož
Article title: B2B LOCO : predstavitev projekta
Event: Delavnica projekta TransSLO-PLUS "Raziskave v transportu danes in jutri"
Date and place: 17. 12. 2010, Ministrstvo za promet, Ljubljana
Article title: B2B Loco - Logistične kompetence od Baltika do Balkana
Event: 1. letna konferenca v okviru projekta TransSlo Plus na Ministrstvu RS za promet: Promet in okolje
Date and place: Ljubljana, 17. december 2009
Article title: Projekt RECODRIVE : sheme prepoznavanja in nagrajevanja ekonomičnega vedenja za voznike, nabavno službo in vzdrževanje.
Event: Workshop Traffic research challenges & solutions
Date and place: Maribor, 22.10.2008
Article title: Rewarding and recognition schemes for energy conserving driving.
Conferences, workshops, round tables and other event contribution of dr. Stane Božičnik since 2001.
Conferences, workshops, round tables and other event contribution of Tomislav Letnik in since 2005.
Conferences, workshops, round tables and other event contributions of Katja Hanžič since 2008.