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Katja Hanžič - contributions

Conferences, workshops, round tables and other event contributions of Katja Hanžič since 2008.


Event: ICTS 2020 - 19th International Conference on Transport Science
Date and place: 17. - 18. 9. 2020 ICTS Portorož (Slovenija)
Article title: Demand responsive transport policies for rural areas of six central European countries

Event: ICTS 2020 - 19th International Conference on Transport Science
Date and place: 17. - 18. 9. 2020 ICTS Portorož (Slovenija)
Article titleAdaptation of airport infrastructure for operation of ice-hybrid and fuel-cell aircraft


Event: eGUTS final conference "Perspectives in Europeane Mobility Future"
Date and place: 17. 9. 2020, Zadar (Croatia)
Article title: eMobility reflected in Local Action Plans


Event: Danube Region Transport Days 2018
Date and place: 4. - 5. 12. 2019, Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Article title: eGUTS - Electric, Electronic and Green Urban Transport Systems

Event: ICTS 2018 - 18th International Conference on Transport Science
Date and place: 14. 11. 2018, Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Article title: eGUTS - Electric, Electronic and Green Urban Transport Systems

Event: SAEM 2018 - The 7th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics
Date and place: 17. - 20. 6. 2018, Podčetrtek (Slovenia)
Article title
Interdependence between GDP and electric vehicles’ charging infrastructure in the EU

Event: ICTS 2018 - 18th International Conference on Transport Science
Date and place: 14. -15. 6. 2018, Portorož (Slovenia)
Article title: Charging infrastructure challenges and policy support in selected countries of the Danube region


Event: eGUTS Regional Strategy Platform
Date and place: 12. 12. 2017, Velenje (Slovenia)
Article title: Pedelecs and e-cars in urban transport system; Local and regional e-mobility policies

Date and place: 11. 1. 2017, Maribor (Slovenia)
Article title: Staff mobilty »ERASMUS + Masterclass Course: Efficient & Effective Project Management for EU funded Projects«


Event: EU Energy week “Innovation for renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency solutions in Mediterranean regions and cities. An overview of achieved results and future perspectives”
Date and place: 18. 6. 2015, Brussels (Belgija)
Article title: CO-EFFICIENT: Improving energy efficiency of SMEs

Event: GRASP final conference »Green Procurement and Smart City support in the energy sector«
Date and place: 28. 5. 2015, Patras (Greece)
Article title: Project CO-EFFICIENT - COllaborative framework for energy EFFICIENT SME systems

Event: CO-EFFICIENT final conference “Improving Energy Efficiency – Improving competitiveness”
Date and place: 21. 5. 2015, Portorož (Slovenia)
Article title: COllaborative framework for energy EFFICIENT SME systems

Event: SMILE final conference: Energy Efficiency in Urban Logistics
Date and place: 28. 4. 2015, Valencia (Spain)
Article title: prispevek "COllaborative framework for energy EFFICIENT SME systems" in sodelovanje na okrogli mizi “Measures and Opportunities for Energy Efficiency in Urban Logistics”

Event: 12. Slovenian Congress on Roads and Traffic
Date and place: 23. 4. 2015, Portorož (Slovenia)
Article title: Strategic transport-logistics position of Slovenia

Event: SINERGIA final conference
Date and place: 20. 3. 2015, Marseille (France)
Article title: COllaborative framework for energy EFFICIENT SME systems

Event: OPEN DAY MED/EU Synergies conference »Energy performance indicators and methods for a sustainable framework of buildings refurbishment«
Date and place: 12. 3. 2015, Piraeus (Greece)
Article title: Supporting SMEs in Energy Efficiency and RES market in MED

Event: CO-EFFICIENT regional workshop "Increasing energy efficiency of small and medium enterprises"
Date and place: 28. 1. 2015, Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Article title: Project CO-EFFICIENT - Increasing energy efficiency of small and medium enterprises



Event: Panel discussion: Projects and Development of Slovenian Railway Infrastructure
Date and place: 8. October 2014, Maribor (Slovenia)
Article title: Tran-European Corridors Development Impact on Strategic Transport and Logistic Position of Slovenia

Event: 11th International Conference on Logistics and Sustainable Transport
Date and place: 19. − 20. June 2014, Celje (Slovenia)
Contribution title: Presentation of the project CO-EFFICIENT

Event: 27th eConference Bled - 4th Living Bits and Things
Date and place: 1. - 5. junij 2014, Bled (Sloveniaa)
Contribution title: Project CO-EFFICIENT "Collaborative Framework for Energy Efficient SME Systems"

Event: Workshop title: Measures for achieving efficient energy use in industry and transport
Date and place: 26 February 2014, Dravograd (Slovenia)
Contribution title: Projekt CO-EFFICIENT: izboljšanje energetske učinkovitosti majhnih in srednje velikih podjetij


Event: Energy Days in Posavje Region − Improvement for Energy Efficiency of the SMEs
Date and place: 12 December 2013, Krško (Slovenia)
Contribution title: CO-EFFICIENT project: Improvement for Energy Efficiency of the SMEs.


Event: 15th International Conference on Transport Science - ICTS 2012
Date and place: 28 May 2012, Portorož (Slovenia)
Article title: The Impact of New Trans-European Transport Corridors on the Strategic Transport Position of Slovenia


Event: Ljubljana Open Day "Intermodal transport and environment"
Date and place: 20. april 2011, Ljubljana
Article title: Model trajnostne uporabe varčne vožnje v podjetjih : RECODRIVE

Event: Research Capabilities and Potentials Workshop (TransNEW)
Date and place: 27 May 2011, Belgrad (Serbia)
Contribution title: Transport Research Capability of Slovenia

Event: B2B LOCO delavnica "Poti k uresničitvi poslovnih in raziskovalnih ambicij"
Date and place: Športni park Krsnik, Pesnica pri Mariboru, 9. June 2011
Article title: Kako dostopati do rezultatov in poročil EU projektov

Event: Final Workshop of TransNEW project
Date and place: 7 November 2011, Bratislava (Slovakia)
Contribution title: Regional Perspective − General and mode highlights, recommendations - Western Balkans


Event: Delavnica na temo varčne vožnje (predstavitev projekta RECODRIVE: Okoljski, ekonomski in sistemski vidiki varčne vožnje.
Date and place: Maribor, 23. 2. 2010
Article title: Model trajnostne uporabe varčne vožnje v podjetjih.

Event: Delavnica Transport in okolje skozi EU projekte
Date and place: 21. oktober 2010, Portorož
Article title: B2B LOCO : predstavitev projekta

Event: Delavnica projekta TransSLO-PLUS "Raziskave v transportu danes in jutri"
Date and place: 17. 12. 2010, Ministrstvo za promet, Ljubljana
Article title: B2B Loco - Logistične kompetence od Baltika do Balkana


Event: 1. letna konferenca v okviru projekta TransSlo Plus na Ministrstvu RS za promet: Promet in okolje
Date and place: Ljubljana, 17. december 2009
Article title: Projekt RECODRIVE : sheme prepoznavanja in nagrajevanja ekonomičnega vedenja za voznike, nabavno službo in vzdrževanje.


Event: Workshop Traffic research challenges & solutions
Date and place: Maribor, 22.10.2008
Article title: Rewarding and recognition schemes for energy conserving driving.