
Enjoy summer, we'll be back in autumn. Cool

PORTAL (2000–2003)

 TITLE Promotion of Results In Transport Research And Learning
European Commission, 5. Framework Program, (DG VII)
 PROJECT LEADER doc. dr. Marjan LEP
 TIME FRAME 2001 - 2003


PORTAL (Promotion Of Results in Transport Research and Learning) was a three year project co-financed by the European Commission within the 5th RTD (Research and Technological Development and Demonstration) Framework Programme which aimed to accelerate the take up of EU research results in the field of local and regional transport through the development of new education and training courses and teaching materials.
The beneficiaries of the project were education and training organisations providing courses and organisations and individuals interested in enhancing their knowledge and skill base in these topics. The PORTAL project consortium involved the active participation of 24 countries in Europe.

Please visit official project web site for more information.


Current EU projects

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Accomplished EU projects