Uživajte poletje, vrnemo se jeseni.
NASLOV | Best Urban Feight Solution |
NAROČNIK | Evropska komisija - 5. okvirni program |
ČASOVNI OKVIR | 2002 - 2003 |
POVEZAVE | http://www.bestufs.net/ |
Predmet analize
Študija obravnava razvoj in usmeritve na področju inteligentnih transportnih sistemov. Izdelana je bila analiza stanja in razvoja inteligentnih transportnih sistemov v Sloveniji v primerjavi z razvojem v Evropski uniji. Podana je že ocena prihodnjega razvoja na tem področju v Sloveniji, predstavljeni pa so tudi primeri dobre prakse.
Rezultati analize
V okviru projekta je bila v Mariboru organizirana mednarodna konferenca z naslovom Urban freight strategies: laissez-faire or following a comprehensive strategy?
Poročilo je bilo v pisni in elektronski obliki oddano naročnikom, to so:
Innovative transportation services for blind and partially-sighted passengers in Danube Region |
Soft measures & Actions for behavioural Change and Knowledge to Embrace peripheral and Rural areas |
Kočijaške poti za e-kočije |
Mobility Ecosystem for Low-carbon and Innovative Modal Shift in the Alps |
Modular Approach to Hybrid Electric Propulsion Architecture |
Transnational model, strategies and decision support for innovative clusters and business networks towards green growth |
Alpine Innovation for Combined Transport |
Electric, Electronic and Green Urban Transport Systems |
Sustainable Urban Logistics Planning to Enhance Regional Freight Transport |
Študija baltsko-jadranskega koridorja in podpora evropskemu koordinatorju |
Priprava strokovnih podlag za opredelitev delovnega načrta Baltsko – jadranskega koridorja |
Development and validation of hybrid propulsion system components and sub-systems for electrical aircraft |
COllaborative framework for energy efficient SME systems |
Best Practice Factory for Freight Transport |
Freight and passengers sUpporting infomobiliTy systems for a sUstainable impRovEment of the competitiveness of port-hinterland systems of the MED area |
TransNEW – Support for realising New Member and Associated States' potentials in transport research |
Baltic - to - Balkan Network for Logistics Competence |
Knowledge-enabled access of Central EU SMEs to Efficient Transnational Transport Solution |
Cooperation Among SMEs Toward Logistic Excellence |
Co-modality optimised integrated chains in freight transport logistics |
Rewarding and Recognition Schemes for Energy Conserving Driving |
Development of professional innovative Training tools in Logistics |
Promoting Innovative Intermodal Freight Transport ... |
User Reaction and Efficient Differentation of Charges and Tolls |
COordinated REgional LOGistics |
Best Urban Feight Solution |
SUstainable Mobility, policy, Measures, and Assesment of sustainable transport development ... |
Implementation of Marginal Cost Pricing in Transport -Integrated Conceptual and Applied Model Analisis |
Promotion and Implementation of Fair and Efficient Transport Pricing ... |
Best Urban Feight Solution |
Thematic Network on Trans-Alpine Crossing |
Promotion of Results In Transport Research And Learning |
Mutual Validity of Tickets in Public Transportation of Cross Border Regions Between Slovenia and Austria |