
Enjoy summer, we'll be back in autumn. Cool

IMPRINT EUROPE (2001-2003)

 TITLE Promotion and Implementation of Fair and Efficient Transport Pricing
 CONTRACT GIVER Evropska komisija
 TIME FRAME 2001 - 2003
ITS Univerze Leeds, UK
 PARTNERS TNO-INRO Holland, ISIS Italy and FAV Germany


IMPRINT-EUROPE was a Fifth Framework Thematic Network project for the European Commission (2001-2004). The project aims were:

  • bring together policy-makers, operators, researchers and other stakeholders in order to promote the implementation of fair and efficient transport prices.
  • organise five high profile, international seminars where the needs of policy-makers and the findings of research will be synthesised and debated.
  • produce high quality reports summarising research and putting forward recommendations on how to implement the required pricing reforms.

For more information about the project, please visit official web page, or contact us directly.


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  • SMACKER (2019 - 2022)

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Accomplished EU projects