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Workshop SEETRANS 2012 - Transport Research Opportunities for South East Europe in the EU

WORKSHOP TITLESEETRANS 2012 - Transport Research Opportunities for South East Europe in the EU
ORGANIZERCenter za ekonomijo transporta
PARTNERSMreža nacionalnih kontaktnih točk 7.OP za področje transporta (ETNA), Ministrstvo RS za infrastrukturo in prostor
PLACE AND DATELjubljana, 24 and 25 September 2012

The European Transport NCP Alliance (ETNA), Ministry of Infrastructure and Spatial Planning of Republic of Slovenia and University of Maribor - TEC in co-operation with WBC-INCO.NET (Coordination of Research Policies with the Western Balkan countries) has organized7th Framework programme Networking and Brokerage event: »SEETRANS 2012«, Transport Research Opportunities for South East Europe in the EU, which has been carried out between  24th and 25th of September 2012 in Ljubljana.

Based on the extreme success of the 2011 event with the same name,“SEETRANS 2012” is once again hoping to bring together researchers and representatives of business and politics from Southeast Europe as well as other regions. The main purpose of the event is to enable participants to present their research results, their research capabilities and plans in the general context of the European Research Area and the 7th Framework Programme. Based on expressed research interests and aims, working groups have been focused on specific research topics in order to get prepared and to form potential partnerships for open FP7 calls.